“3 6 5” A spoken word poetry film, narrating the internal dialogues of overcoming long term anxiety and finding identity.

Imogen Evans
Sarah Vince
Jason Thomas Brown
Garret Awre
Elisha Howe
Sid Edwards
Directed by Matt Sedgley
Director of Photography: Yonatan Tiruneh
Movement Director: Lauren Shirley
Production Manager: @emzyyvictoriaa
Production Coordinator: @rosiejofranklin
1st Assistant Camera: @tykeats
Gaffer: @joshuahowemorgan
Sound Recordist: @rajab_films
Unit Stills: @qihsot
Editors: Aresa Foster & Matt Sedgley
VFX Artist: James Carpenter
Colourist: @ashconnaughtondp
Music Composer: Charlie Pitt
With thanks: Eastside Projects for the location
Written & Produced by Aresa Foster

Experimental of the Month
Winner: 3 6 5

‘3 6 5’ is the Winner of Best Experimental @themonthlyfilmfestival – check out all the September Winners 🎬

vimeo.com/video/1003697440 Password: Sh0rt012024

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