
  • Poem: The Peace of Wild Things

    Poem: The Peace of Wild Things

    “The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry (1968) When despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron…

  • Poem: Desiderata

    Poem: Desiderata

    “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann (1927) Go placidly amid the noise and haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible, without surrender,be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly;and listen to others,even to the dull and the ignorant;they too have their story. Beyond a wholesome discipline,be gentle…

  • The Angry Man And The Washing Machine by Phoebe Hickson

    The Angry Man And The Washing Machine by Phoebe Hickson

    What would you do if the dials on a washing machine sent you through alternate realities? A man suffocated by solitude reorganizes a toolbox a day. He comes across a priceless golden comb under a dirty screw – he plans to sell it, granting him unrivalled riches that will break him free of his loneliness.…

  • 3 6 5 by Aresa Foster

    3 6 5 by Aresa Foster

    “3 6 5” A spoken word poetry film, narrating the internal dialogues of overcoming long term anxiety and finding identity. Experimental of the Month Winner: 3 6 5 ‘3 6 5’ is the Winner of Best Experimental @themonthlyfilmfestival  – check out all the September Winners 🎬 Password: Sh0rt012024

  • Screenplay: Actually Speak

    Screenplay: Actually Speak

    Actually Speak is a charming, heartfelt script with strong cinematic potential. Its relatable characters, creative use of visuals, and poetic voice-over make it engaging and emotionally resonant.

  • Poem: Darkness to Light

    Poem: Darkness to Light

    A heart once cloaked in shadows deep,Where hatred’s tendrils tightly creep.Influenced. A captive soul.A story waiting to unfold. Through webs devoid of good or light,We see the reasons for their night.Conjured truths and doom filled fate,Have shaped this heart to foster hate. But each of us can break the doom,Be the source that lights the…

  • popper

  • Tomato and the Great Veggie Bake

    Tomato and the Great Veggie Bake

    The crisp autumn air swirled through the kitchen window, carrying the sweet scent of cinnamon. Tomato, bathed in the warm afternoon sun, watched with curiosity as Spring Onion chopped away at a pile of green herbs. “What are you making, Spring Onion?” he asked, his voice filled with excitement. Spring Onion wiped a tear from…

  • Tomato Joins the Salad

    Tomato Joins the Salad

    In a cosy kitchen, on a sunny windowsill, a fruit bowl brimmed with colourful fruits. Oranges, peaches, and bananas snuggled together, basking in the warmth of the morning sun. Among them sat Tomato, round and red, with a bright green stem on top. Tomato loved his fruity family but often felt different. While the other…

  • Tomato and the Stir-Fry Surprise

    Tomato and the Stir-Fry Surprise

    The kitchen was abuzz with activity. Tomato, nestled comfortably amongst his newfound vegetable friends, watched with wide eyes as a giant metal pan, the wok, was placed on the stove. A wave of excitement filled the air. “Stir-fry party tonight!” chirped Sweet Pea, her green pods bouncing with anticipation. Tomato’s heart thumped a little faster.…