A heart once cloaked in shadows deep,
Where hatred’s tendrils tightly creep.
Influenced. A captive soul.
A story waiting to unfold.
Through webs devoid of good or light,
We see the reasons for their night.
Conjured truths and doom filled fate,
Have shaped this heart to foster hate.
But each of us can break the doom,
Be the source that lights the gloom.
A catalyst, a guiding hand,
To lead the soul to promised land.
Connection’s warmth, a healing balm,
Can soothe the wounds, the spirit calm.
Can bridge across divides so wide,
To where empathy and love abide.
With introspection’s guiding light,
The darkness slowly fades from sight.
A journey inward, deep and long,
To mend the heart, make it strong.
The open heart transforms with grace,
New understanding fills the space.
A beacon shining bright and clear,
Inspiring others to conquer fear.
So let us hope, with hearts aflame,
That darkness yields to love’s sweet claim.
For in the depths of every soul,
A spark of light can make us whole.
Sid Edwards
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